Last September 21st, we had the joy of welcoming, within our walls, a few residents from the long-term care facility in Carentoir. They also came to meet some of the sisters in our own facility; this was at the initiative of Beatrice who knew them, being that she was their chaplain for several years. They arrived around noon with their facilitators,
There were several of us to greet them and keep them company. We had a picnic together in one of the rooms of the Mother House: it was a good time to get to know each other and start new relationships in simplicity and good-humour.

After we had eaten, we made a quick visit to the chapel followed by a tour of the “park”, taking breaks here and there. Everyone marveled at the size and beauty of the Mother House grounds. On top of that, the weather was perfect. The afternoon went by very quickly.

At about 16h00, we had some fruit juice to refresh us. Their small mini-van was waiting. Each and every one of us left feeling happy to have spent a couple of hours together. We hope to get together again next year.
Sr. Thérèse Oillaux