On Sunday, August 22, the parish (in Laval) came together to say goodbye to Sr. Brigitte Josso who is leaving us after 12 years of presence. She is a member of the Community of Sisters in St. Jacut.

The community of Sisters has been present in our neighbourhood for more than 50 years. The sign of Religious Life shines in our midst!
Sr. Brigette, having retired from nursing, was sent to Laval by her Congregation. She was very quickly called upon to become part of the hospital chaplaincy. She visited patients on two floors of the hospital and took Communion to those who requested it. She was also part of a parish team that helped with the Eucharistic celebration every two weeks and she animated a sharing group. She likewise visited the homebound.
Being sensitive to the rural world, she joined a team called Christians in the Rural World.
Many families from the parish knew her because, for 10 years, she often conducted burials when the priests were not available.
It was important for us to say THANK YOU during the mass and afterwards to enjoy a time of conviviality.
This weekend Sr. Brigitte will join the Mother House community at Saint Jacut les Pins where she will be a presence to the older sisters and will take a time to rest.
Thank you to the Congregation who sends us another sister in the person of Sr. Marie-Therese who arrives this weekend. The sign of Religious Life continues to be given to us!