• Post category:Events / News

On the 9th and 10th of October, 2021, 22 Associates and 6 accompanying Sisters from the Entity of France, came together for their Annual Assembly in St. Jacut les Pins.

François Bédu, Eudist priest from la Roche du Theil, “opened our eyes” with Pope Francis’ Encyclical: Fratelli tutti. He had us deepen its “Heart” with the story of the Burning bush and the Good Samaritan.  Touching testimonies of this can be found in the lives of people like Etty Hellisum in her book, “An Interrupted Life”, or Maurice Zundel or the homily given by Pope Jean-Paul II, for the Sunday of Mercy.

The charism and mercy, related to fraternity and social friendship, are the back bone of Pope Francis’ Encyclical, with socio-economic and political implications, part of a courageous and persistent dialogue, for powerful and necessary change.

Knowing how to be near, giving of one’s time, putting everything aside for someone wounded by life, being a Good Samaritan”.  “We were created for a fullness of life, which can only be reached through love.”

We all carry within us something of the wounded man, the bandit, of those who passed by on the other side and of the Good Samaritan…

A questionnaire helped us intensify this message in our lives for when we are faced with needy persons, faced with those who are different, “foreign” and it helps us to be near, to let our hearts be touched: to see, judge, act.

In the evening, when watching “The audacity to love” and “come draw at the source”, we heard how Angélique knew the language of the heart, “Love to live and live to love”, give dignity to the poor.

The things that the participants appreciated during the weekend:

Time for sharing, meeting the Sisters at the Mother House, time for renewal, communion between us, being part of the “Family”, to feel good, revitalize, find lots of hope again, joy…

Each person left full of hope and joy, happy to be an Associate of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for the Glory of God.


Marie-Annick Hervieux