From December 26 (evening) to 28 (noon), we had our Regional assembly. To further their action plans the different commissions had meetings in the days that followed.
Theme: “Let yourselves be transformed by the Spirit!”
The agenda:
- Feedback from the Council of Congregation
- Report from the different commissions touching on the life of the Region with the goal of building a future based on local realities.
- Pastoral of vocations
- Formation
- Internationality
- Associates
- Finances
- Patrimony
3. Implementation of the Orientation of the year for a new missionary and community dynamism. The slogan that emerged:
‘’ SSCJ, take responsibility, commit, and build together your family”.
The feedback from the Council of Congregation questioned us in 2 areas:
- Demographics of our Institute: this was a bit of a shock as we saw the PowerPoints presented by the different entities of the Congregation. What kind of solidarity can be created on an international level?
- Financial situation: what effective means can be taken to arrive at greater financial autonomy, and continue welcoming SSCJ vocations for mission in the dynamism of our charism?
As for the year’s orientation, there is a challenge to be met:
Fraternal life in community. During the sharing, each of us was aware that it still remains for us to follow a road of conversion to better live fraternal life in community.

On December 30, ten temporary professed sisters reacted to the Council of Congregation’s report from their perspective. Like all the sisters of the Region, they were touched by the PowerPoints that were presented. For several of them, this was a discovery that challenges them to live and pass on the charism at their own level.
Secretariat and Communication Service