Death of Stéphane, friend of the Associates in France, 56 years of age.

Stéphane standing, 3rd from the right

On Sunday, August 2nd, a group of Associates and friends as well as several Sisters of the Congregation came together at the 11:00  a.m. mass in Allaire.

We were there together to give thanks for having known and highly regarded Stéphane, and we asked God to welcome him into his Kingdom.

Stéphane has left his mark on us with his curiosity to know and deepen his faith; he did not hesitate to make us clarify our affirmations and ideas.

We also want to support Jocelyne and Yves who helped him prepare for baptism on April 15, 2017. They were his godparents and were very close to him. They were especially touched by his tragic death.

We continue to pray for Stéphane.