Living lockdown in Whetstone

Waiting…..waiting,  for the lifting of the “ lockdown” and the eradication of the coronavirus or COVID 19. …..for a date to move to Nazareth House. Meanwhile how do we spend our time during this lockdown? We are packing all our belongings so that we will be ready when we are given the “go-ahead” to move…. Every Sunday and even every day we can assist at Mass through live streaming. (This is because our churches are all closed due to the COVID 19). How exciting when we can…

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A lovely surprise at the Mother House!

A lovely surprise came for all the sisters at the Mother House on this April 20th! Some lilies of the valley from one of our employee’s garden, some flower pots waiting for new life, and, as with the stroke of a magic baton, some expert hands got to work to place little bouquets all around the house: on the dining room tables, in the living areas, in the bedrooms of those sisters who are confined. Thank you to the employees for this delicate gesture. Another surprise arrived…

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On our roads to Emmaus

Do not look further than our own lives to discover how Jesus has crossed paths with us, He connects with us as we travel on our way!" * Today the Lord connects with us on our roads to Emmaus, in our experiences of lockdown, on all continents. With his heart overflowing with tenderness, Jesus approaches the disciples who are upset about the events of the last few days (Luke 24: 13-35). They tell HIM what happened. As they go along the road, Jesus explains "to them the…

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Living lockdown in Cameroon

Since March 17, we have been in lockdown. We stay at home and only go out when necessary. We take protective measures and respect the government directives. Here in North Cameroon we are lucky to continue to have Eucharistic celebrations. In this way we are in communion and prayer with those who can't go to mass. We live this period of time with serenity. We take time to read a book, repair our clothes or sew; in one part of the house we notice a sister praying…

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